Wednesday, September 14, 2011

"If you can't find your way, simply, pause and pray"

Greetings With Enthusiasm,

It is one day away from one of my biggest tax deadlines September 15th.   And although today should be an exciting day for me, due to Hurricane Irene the deadline has been extended which is further delaying regaining my personal freedom.  The past few days have been extremely difficult and mentally draining.   Battling with the culture of Corporate America, is not easy.   I have given several hugs this morning and pep talks.  Busy season always seems to bring people to believe they don’t belong here and they hate their jobs.  I cannot deny that in many corporate settings you will face different kinds of discrimination; favoritism, racism, sexism, etc.  You work 90 hour weeks and may work with people that verbally abuse you, frequently throw you under the bus, and can make you feel like an idiot. I am pretty smart and many have called me an overachiever. However, I have had days where I have cried at work because I was overwhelmed and I felt like I just couldn’t do anything right. I told myself this busy season that I would never cry again over doing tax returns.  It is silly …this is not saving lives.  Life is too short and this is only for a season. God has much more in store for my life.

During busy season, I strive to be a cheerleader for my peers to help us all get through this period of time.  One of them said to me yesterday “I have no green card, so if I quit my job, I have to decide either to be here illegally or go back to my country.  However, I wanted to walk out today so bad but then I thought of my daughter.  I want to bring her here to raise her….. and I cried”.   In talking to her, I thought “when you can’t find your way, simply pause and pray.”   I know there have been many times I have felt backed in a corner and as if I was having an emotional meltdown.  I have had to just walk out of work and go to my car.  I would proceed in prayer asking God for strength and telling myself “You can do this! will get through this”.  There will not always be someone physically there for us to talk to but God is always there.  He never puts more on us than we can bear.  We have to learn how to encourage ourselves by being able to see the positives in every situation.  In my peer’s situation with her daughter, the vision of being able to bring her daughter to America is where she would find her strength and encouragement.  When you have faith in the promise that your paradise (destiny) is ahead, it will help you handle the times when life seems like it can’t get any worse. 

When is the last time you prayed?  Have you taken a moment lately to reflect on the good you have in your life?
As a part of Project Destiny , we are implementing the following:

·         Daily Prayer/Meditation  -  At least 2 times
·         Keep an “I Can” Attitude – Maintain a positive outlook on your life and all circumstances. Eliminate negativity from your vocabulary.

You should try it out…….inject more prayer and positivity in your life today.

Be Inspired,


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