Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Project Destiny Day 55… Where this Project Destiny Journey has taken me…

Greetings With Inspiration,

I know it has been some time since I posted but I wanted to catch you up on my Project Destiny experience.  I must say before I started Project Destiny,  2011 was already one of the most amazing years I have had in my life.  I went from a size 10/12 down to a 4, explored short hair, had an amazing experience overseas in India and then got promoted to manager at the largest accounting firm in the world .  To those on the outside, my life seemed ideal but for me I was still searching to understand why I had so many talents that I was not using.

  I have always been more of an artistic and creative person.  I love to sing, act, write , speak, and model ….none of which I was currently actively pursuing.  When I sang at Village Underground last year, I sent my video to one of the partners at the firm and he said to me “ Why do you work here??……you should head for Hollywood and make you some real money….I would support you …..let me know when you are singing again”.  He was one of many people to say the same thing to me. I laughed them off and now a year and a half later I haven’t sang there since.  Then often I would hear people speaking into my life asking me “when are you going to write a book?”.   I love to write inspirational quotes, poetry and music.  I had always struggled with what I would write a book about because I am not an expert on any specific subject matter.  Then for my dad’s 50th birthday party , I took a few pics and I kept hearing “ Have you thought about modeling ….you look like a Fashion Fair Model”.   So, I wondered “God what does all of this mean?”. I would love to do all these things…but how??

I was talking to one of my close friends one day.  I said to him “ I can’t do it all…corporate career, sing, write, model , act, start a non-profit and have my own show….?...I am getting dizzy just thinking about all of that…That sounds like Oprah…LOL.”    He says to me “Yes, you can…. I believe in you…”  This spoke volumes to me.  To make a much longer story , very short ….Project Destiny began!  I am determined to hone every talent , use every gift and explore every opportunity that comes my way!.   As a part of Project Destiny, I set goals to improve my life spiritually, physically, mentally and financially so that I can fulfill my destiny.

So here are a few updates……………

Spiritually, I was allowing my career and relationships to come in between my walk with God.  As a part of project destiny, I have been going to church more consistently, reading my bible , praying and abstaining from things I had no business doing anyway ( ie, sex, cursing). I am still not by any means a saint 55 days into the plan but I have already noticed so many changes in my life.   Since I started , I have gained clarity on so many different things.  God has been speaking to me through my dreams and showing me how to interpret them.  One big thing I learned was the difference between lust and love.  Love will draw you closer to God. Lust will pull you away.

Physically , after 3 months of nursing my injured ankle I am finally back in the gym and it is on!  Last week, my doctor gave me permission to go back to the gym.  It was very hard for me the past few months not being able to do some of my favorite things, especially zumba. I managed to maintain my weight and actually lost a few pounds.  I have been doing the Daniel Fast and adopted a vegan diet.  Although I lost a few pounds , over the past few weeks I noticed my face breaking out.  I have never had acne before so I was trying to understand what this could be.  Thanks to Dr. Google Search I found out that many people that convert to vegan diets get acne due to the increased soy intake.  So…I think I did it long enough….I need my skin to be back to normal so I will be readapting my normal Fish and Chicken diet.  To help me achieve my fitness goals, I will be doing my first photo shoot in January titled “ The Beast Is Here” .  This will motivate me in the gym and also potentially open up opportunities for me to check “obtain a print gig “off on my bucket list.

Mentally, I have been keeping a journal of my thoughts and emotions throughout this process which has been very therapeutic since it is hard for me to blog consistently .  I have been making an effort to spend more time with my friends and family.  I find myself talking on the phone more which has been a struggle for me in the past.  Now with my new IPhone I actually enjoy being on the phone especially using FaceTime J  I have been making time for things that I enjoy. I participated in an open mic a few weeks ago and will be in a play on October 29th called “Seeing is Believing”.  I am excited about the play because I have not been in a play in about 8 years.  I am singing and acting which are things I love to do and I believe this is the beginning of many things to come.

Financially, I am a single woman with a mortgage paying Long Island taxes so saving has been a struggle no matter how much money I make. Owning a home is a blessing but it can be difficult and expensive.  Throughout this process I have considered downsizing and moving back to the city which would make life easy for me to explore my talents and save more aggressively for the future.  I am continuing to seek God on this.  In the interim,  I am determined to rent as many rooms as I can until the market turns around or I turn my talents into profits.

Well that is my update ….I hope those of you that have joined me on Project Destiny are enjoying the journey.  We are not getting any younger.   Life is too short to continue to delay pursuing your dreams.  As a prophet said to me a few weeks ago “ …Pursue…pursue…pursue”

Be Inspired,