ACT. Inspires Quotes

Life is short , but the impact we can make is endless. – ACT.

Seek after the passions of your heart & you will find destiny and the essence of happiness -ACT. #destiny

If u don't know what you want and most importantly what u deserve ....u will settle for what is convenient - ACT. #relationships

Sometimes to find your way , you need to simply pause and pray - ACT.

You can't gain direction if you can't take correction -ACT #itsallaboutprogression

Laziness is a personal crime...because it steals your potential -ACT. #realtalk

Appreciate and surround yourself with genuine people, they will tell u when u smell good and when u really stink- ACT.

Put your best YOU forward – ACT.

Know that even on your worst day, someone dreams to wear your kind of sorrow... complain less and be grateful - ACT.

Be Ambitious, be Courageous, be Talented (Period) -ACT..Dont let anyone intrude on how spectacular U can be, give everything God gave U

When people THROW you shade, GIVE them sunshine - ACT.

Punch your fears in the face as if they were trying to steal your dreams away from you. – ACT

Your positivity impacts your productivity - ACT.

Strive to be a problem your haters cannot resolve - ACT.

God can speak to you through walls if you abandon worry, adopt prayer, keep your heart & eyes open and simply listen – ACT.

You cant be the boss, if you make moves like the doorman, but you must have the humility of his spirit" - ACT.

 When you truly trust in God, there is no capacity to worry - ACT.

Elevate your mind, surround yourself with people that can upgrade you, not just those looking for an upgrade- ACT.

“Beware of mentally dwarfed beings…they cannot comprehend growth ….and resent your elevation”- ACT.

"We fear failure but sometimes fear is why we fail.........Think Brighter, Dream Bigger, Be Bolder, & Become the Best You" - ACT.

" Keep fire in your eyes, passion in your heart, music in your steps, and victory in your soul" – ACT

"I am on a mission...fueled by ambition...navigated by vision.... and accelerated by God’s favor and provision" – ACT

"You will see by what you seek, get by what you give, and you should live for what you love" – ACT

"If you see it, believe it and breath will be it" – ACT

"One should not meddle in the imperfections of others, but rightly perfect their own" – ACT

"I am not chasing dreams...I am strategically stalking them" – ACT.

Life's scars will merely be the beauty marks of my success. – ACT.

To succeed, one must stare at failure with dreamy eyes. – ACT.

Fear is why we fail ....The audacity to be courageous is how we prevail – ACT.

We can't have sunshine all the time, we need a bit of rain in our lives to grow.....we need a bit of pain to appreciate joy..we need to fall down to appreciate our ability to stand on our own......"Life's scars will be the beauty marks of my success" - ACT. #itsallgood

Sometimes you have to hit pause on everything and everybody that is not directly aligned with your goals, eventually you will be able to put them back in play - ACT.

Corporate America 101: Even if you know your boss is an idiot, your job is to make him look like a genius. – ACT. #playyourposition #itsallaboutprogression

Happiness is not going to come looking for have to first understand what will truly make you happy and make that happen - ACT.

ACT Love Lyrics

Farewell my love…Be ye exiled from the world of my heart, let the memory of my love comfort you as you search for love again. Love is timeless…priceless…and if you don’t act on it …it can become lifeless…and there is no resuscitation….farewell my love…It was nice loving you..but you can’t live here anymore – ACT. #breakup

"Love hurts yet it makes us smile, Love captivates yet it liberates us, Love can bring us to our lowest point and then sweep us off our feet, Love can make us illogical yet it teaches so many lessons....Love is so complicated..yet so simple.. And when we think love can’t get any better... here it comes...." - ACT.
 “If you need a rock, I’ll be it…if you seek a dream, ..i’ll be the co-pilot to help you achieve it….if you need love…I will love you endlessly…I will bring sunshine to your cloudy days, joy to your heart, and be the one created just for you…I am your God first and ye shall find me” – ACT.

"Sometimes we fall in love with the wrong people for all the right reasons to prepare us for that person that God has truly ordained for us" – ACT.

"Love is colorful, it can be gloomy blue, yet tickles me pink, romantically red , yet royal and spiritual as purple, love is golden…..but our love ….is strong, iridescent black , a rainbow of the beauty of love."- ACT.

"Your love makes me smile with my eyes, it graduates my walk to a strut, it brightens the cherry glow of my mohagany skin, it illuminates my smile...Your love is my beauty secret..and I wear it with pride..... the beauty of your love" – ACT.

Love is sunshine through the rain, it is joy to relieve my pain, love is golden and true. Love makes my heart smile at you. – ACT.

Be the warrior of my heart....provide for my emptiness, shield me from my fears ...and heal the wounds of my soul ....with your love. – ACT.

He stands tall like an eagle,full grown and fearless, Fine enough to make one cuss, his whispers give me tingles like my favorite love songs, his scent is sweet and warm like hot chocolate, his matchless swag and smile is captivating, his articulate, educated street king demeanor is beyond sexy, just the thought of him makes me happy …and he loves me like God told him about me.” – ACT. #seatistaken

"I am in love with my future, as it will conquer the desires of my heart, love me unconditionally and is ordained by God - ACT.

Sheild me with love that will help me overcome my worst, and I will be the sword you need to conquer your best – ACT.

 “I can hear it in his baritone “ I love you”s , feel it in the electricity of his embrace, see his heart thirsting for mine in his adoring eyes …my world is even scented by how he loves me…his love is so tangible” – ACT.
Authored by Akilah C. Thompson
Follow on Twitter @AkilahCThompson