Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Winning Wednesday!!!

Greetings With Inspiration,

It is such a crazy time of year for me so I apologize that I have not been able to fully blog daily as I would like to.   I will catch you up soon on Project Destiny in hopes to inspire you to make some changes you may need to go to the next level in your life.  October is going to be a busy month for me so please pray for me. I am opening it with an open Mic on October 1st,  doing a workshop at a conference on the 6th, tax deadline on the 15th , CPA exam on the 23rd, then heading to the COGIC Holy Convocation on October 31st with the Finance team.....wheew!...and the list goes on and on.  I am also still working on getting this sprained ankle back to normal with physical therapy so I can get back in the gym.  But this little message warmed my spirit this morning ....With AMBITION the world is yours,with COURAGE u will defeat negativity & fear, with TALENT there is always room for u at the top ...Be Ambitious, Courageous, and Talented...your destiny awaits you !

Be Inspired,


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thursday's Nugget

A made up mind is a dangerous thing....fearless, unstoppable and a force to be reckoned with ...dare to be dangerous..#getfocused

Be Inspired,


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Today's Nugget

We have to obey the signs God gives us.. stop running red caution lights & protect yourself from self- destruction.

Be Inspired,


Monday, September 19, 2011

Making Moves Monday!

"Be unapologetically in love with yourself, willing to do whatever it takes to make sure u live happily ever after"

Be Inspired,


Friday, September 16, 2011

Feeling Yourself Fridays!

"Leave fingerprints of excellence every where you go, so that the world will know & never forget you were here"

Be Inspired,


Thursday, September 15, 2011

"Stop trying to Build-A-Boo and Build -A-Better-YOU...There is already someone designed and pre-assembled for you" - ACT

Happy September 15th Tax Peep!

It is Tell the Truth Thursday!   I will have to get back to you on my quote of the day at a later time.....But Ladies ( And Gentlemen too) speaks for itself! 

Be Inspired,


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

"If you can't find your way, simply, pause and pray"

Greetings With Enthusiasm,

It is one day away from one of my biggest tax deadlines September 15th.   And although today should be an exciting day for me, due to Hurricane Irene the deadline has been extended which is further delaying regaining my personal freedom.  The past few days have been extremely difficult and mentally draining.   Battling with the culture of Corporate America, is not easy.   I have given several hugs this morning and pep talks.  Busy season always seems to bring people to believe they don’t belong here and they hate their jobs.  I cannot deny that in many corporate settings you will face different kinds of discrimination; favoritism, racism, sexism, etc.  You work 90 hour weeks and may work with people that verbally abuse you, frequently throw you under the bus, and can make you feel like an idiot. I am pretty smart and many have called me an overachiever. However, I have had days where I have cried at work because I was overwhelmed and I felt like I just couldn’t do anything right. I told myself this busy season that I would never cry again over doing tax returns.  It is silly …this is not saving lives.  Life is too short and this is only for a season. God has much more in store for my life.

During busy season, I strive to be a cheerleader for my peers to help us all get through this period of time.  One of them said to me yesterday “I have no green card, so if I quit my job, I have to decide either to be here illegally or go back to my country.  However, I wanted to walk out today so bad but then I thought of my daughter.  I want to bring her here to raise her….. and I cried”.   In talking to her, I thought “when you can’t find your way, simply pause and pray.”   I know there have been many times I have felt backed in a corner and as if I was having an emotional meltdown.  I have had to just walk out of work and go to my car.  I would proceed in prayer asking God for strength and telling myself “You can do this! will get through this”.  There will not always be someone physically there for us to talk to but God is always there.  He never puts more on us than we can bear.  We have to learn how to encourage ourselves by being able to see the positives in every situation.  In my peer’s situation with her daughter, the vision of being able to bring her daughter to America is where she would find her strength and encouragement.  When you have faith in the promise that your paradise (destiny) is ahead, it will help you handle the times when life seems like it can’t get any worse. 

When is the last time you prayed?  Have you taken a moment lately to reflect on the good you have in your life?
As a part of Project Destiny , we are implementing the following:

·         Daily Prayer/Meditation  -  At least 2 times
·         Keep an “I Can” Attitude – Maintain a positive outlook on your life and all circumstances. Eliminate negativity from your vocabulary.

You should try it out…….inject more prayer and positivity in your life today.

Be Inspired,


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

"In this book of life, Dont be afraid to turn the page...your story will get better"

It's a crazy day today....2 days before my tax deadline.  I will expound on my thought of the day later...."In this book of life, Dont be afraid to turn the page...your story will get better"

Be Inspired,


Monday, September 12, 2011

"You have to do something big to get something bigger"

Greetings With Enthusiasm,

Making Moves Monday! Let’s start this week off on a high and keep the momentum going. Today marks the 12th day of my Project Destiny journey.  I have 9 more days until my Daniel fast is over.  What a journey it has been thus far!  Over the past few days many people have been asking me” why are you fasting?”  And I have simply been saying, “ I am trying to get my life together”.  People laugh when I say that as if my life is perfect.  Just because you have a good job and a house that does not mean God doesn’t have greater blessings in store and there isn’t more opportunities to grow.  I want to embark on a new level of excellence, where I use all of my talents and as a college friend said to me last week, I want to “die empty” having giving my all in this life.

As a part of my project destiny journey, I have committed to putting to rest anything that is currently holding me back so that I can prepare for this new level of excellence.  For me those two things are passing my CPA exam and eliminating my revolving credit debit.   The CPA exam has been a long and painful journey for me.  I have scheduled the exam time and time again but have allowed everything else in my life to take priority over the exam. I have spent a lot of time serving others in a leadership capacity at work and in organizations. I realized this year that it was truly time for me to learn how to be selfish and focus on “being the best me”.  I have eliminated all my extracurricular activities to focus on things that will propel my career and enrich my life.  I scheduled the last 3 parts of the exam to take them before the end of the year and I am trusting in God that this will be the last time I schedule this exam.  I know many of you reading this may have something you know you need to do.  Let’s stop making excuses and make things happen.

The other item I will be focusing on is eliminating debt.  I have devised a plan to eliminate my debt in a year.  I have been making strides to ensure that I reduce my spending.  One of my major spending habits was buying eyes glasses and sunglasses.  I took advantage of being in India and got Lasik eye surgery a month ago to eliminate this habit of buying glasses.  It was cheaper to get Lasik in India than it cost me to by a pair of glasses and my contacts annually. Now why is eliminate debt so important to me?  In preparing for this new level of excellence, I know I may want to start a business, get married, buy another house, etc.   The last thing you want to be doing in any of those situations is coming to the table with debt.  Credit card debt it not good debt to have so I want to eliminate it as a part of my Project Destiny Journey.  I have seen too many professionals that make a good living but are living paycheck to paycheck because of debt.  Let’s vow not be like that and get our debt in order.

Overall, Project Destiny has been an answer to so many prayers already in my life.  I have wanted to drawer closer to God and making these changes in my life have given me so much clarity on who I am and what God has in store for me.  I already know how next year will start and end.  I have lost half of the weight needed to accomplish my weight goal. I am talking to you, which means I finally started blogging which was way over due. I even received confirmation on when I will get married and to who it will be. This experience has been such an eye-opener to the future and helping me understand myself even more.  I have managed to remain calm in spite of how hectic my schedule is right now, without my normal diet , red bull or coffee.  My co-workers have said “ I give it to you, you are good, I don’t know how you remain so calm working all these hours with no sugar”.  It’s not me its God.  I want big changes in my life and that will only come with sacrifice.  You have to do something big to get something bigger.

Dare to do something BIG this week!

Be Inspired,


Friday, September 9, 2011

It's not “I can’t” but instead “IT’S DONE”!

Greetings with Enthusiasm,

Happy Friday!  Today let’s pretend we never learned how to say “I can’t” but instead “IT’S DONE”.  Is there a goal or aspiration you have been shying away from because you feel like you can’t? ......YOU CAN.  CONSIDER IT DONE!

As a part of Project Destiny, one of the things we are committing to do is accomplish a “lingering goal”.  This goal is something you have wanted to do or needed to do but have allowed things to get in your way.  We have about 3 and a half months left in the year.  Do you want to lose 10 to 15 lbs?  Complete a certification?  Prepare to go back to school?  Start a business? Whatever it may be for you, take this weekend to think about it and devise a plan to complete this goal by year end.  If this is a long-term goal, think about what steps you can take over the next few weeks to make this goal a reality in your life in the future. Once you determine what that goal is, write it down!   Put it somewhere where you can see it.  This will serve as your contract to yourself to accomplish this goal.

 “A goal unspoken is uncommitted….a goal unwritten is easily acquitted” …Don’t let your dreams get away easily because you used the “I can’t” defense. Commit today to being the best YOU…Let’s GO!

Be Inspired,


Thursday, September 8, 2011

“Negativity is contagious; keep some positivity juice handy to re-energize your spirit”

Greeting With Enthusiasm!!

One of my mentor’s John H. Bryant, always asks me “how is your spirit?   So, I will ask you how is your spirit today?  This morning, my body is fatigued, energy is a bit drained and my eyes are strained. I was at work until 4 am and back at my desk by 10am.  For most corporate tax accountants, this is the busiest time of year and we are all overwhelmed with work and sleep deprived. However, my spirit is rejoicing and content with who I am and excited about where I want to go.  We have to be careful about what we allow to impact our overall spirit. Our spirit ultimately impacts how we interact with others and the decisions we make.  When you have vision, it allows you to put any challenges or opposition in perspective and focus on the grand prize…You becoming the best YOU!

Since I have started Project Destiny, I have been having all kinds of weird dreams.  Last night, I dreamed I quit my job abruptly.  I remember saying, “YOU KNOW WHAT, DO IT YOURSELF….I QUIT” and immediately chucking those deuces up as I ran for the door.  Then I remember thinking, “What did I just do? How am I gonna pay my mortgage? My dad is going to have a good time drilling me about this one?”. All day yesterday, I heard “I hate this JOB, I can’t wait to quit” at least 20 times from different people.  In public accounting, you will feel like you hate your job and want to quit at least twice a year.  I felt that way many times before myself.  I know in the long run it is a great career and can provide the lifestyle I want to live.  But as Jayz says, “It ain’t for everybody”.   I can apply that to my career, public accounting is not for everybody. We are drawing closer to the deadline and the work hours are getting longer and tempers are flaring. It seemed as if the level of negativity and complaining yesterday was at an all time high. All the negativity was draining the life out of me and it was slowing up my productivity. I was asking myself “ ACT, what is wrong with you today?”    My spirit was low, bruised and confused.

I went for a drive to grab lunch and thought this “Negativity is contagious; keep some positivity juice handy to re-energize your spirit.”  Whenever my spirit gets low, I try to keep a remedy handy to help boost my energy and revitalize my spirit.  I absolutely love Chipotle and it fits in my diet for the Daniel Fast.  Good food always puts a smile on my face so I started by getting a veggie salad from Chipotle.  What really works well for me is seeing images of where I want to be and things I want to have.  I knew a day like this would be coming soon so, over the weekend I went to the Porsche dealership and looked at cars.   I love cars and I think the new 4-door Porsches are so sexy!  I found a white one and took a picture next to it to keep as motivation when I need it.  I did the same thing when I was in college. I wanted a BMW 330 CI and I had made a pact with my dad that if I maintained a 4.0, he would help me get the car.  I went to the dealership every week. I took pictures of the car and test drove it frequently.  Some late nights, when I needed motivation I would go to the dealership and look at the car.  Eventually, I got the BMW my senior year.   Now, I am ready for a Porsche!  I know if I continue to work hard, one day I will be able to drive whatever car I want 

For you,  other things may motivate you like a house, vacation, picture of someone with the body you want, etc.  Find something that motivates you and keep it handy so that it can quickly cure you from any negativity. If you see it, believe it, and seek it…you will be it.    YOU CAN do this!

Be Inspired.


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

“Everyone will not be happy about your happiness, but smile anyway….when people throw you shade give them sunshine"

Greetings with Enthusiasm! 

It is a gloomy and rainy day today in New York.  However, I have so much energy in my feet and joy in my heart for being able to see another day. I am truly blessed and today will mark the 7th day of my Project Destiny Journey.   I glanced in the mirror this morning and my face looked vibrant.  My skin looked clear and my eyes were glossy.  I stepped on the scale and I am 4 lbs lighter than I was a week ago.   God has been speaking to me over these past few days. I have seen visions some good and some bad.  I have been very faithful to my fast and continuously talking to God.  Although this journey is young, I am excited and praising God in advance for where this will take me and where it will take others.

I am so happy at this current moment, I feel like skipping and I sang all the way to work.  I wanted to open my car window and shout “I AM FEELING GREAT!” (LOL) And then, I thought about times when I have shared my praise reports with others and they gave me a response like “nice”.  It is sad that sometimes life is going good and you feel like you have to keep it to yourself because of how others around you may react.  But I am thankful to God for how he continues to show me how real he is in my life. I thought this as I was driving to work this morning “Everyone will not be happy about your happiness, but smile anyway”.  You cannot let grumpy people around you cloud your sunshine with their unhappiness.  Pray for them and be supportive. 

This new energy and joy started when I got home from work last night. I was talking to one of my high school friends on facebook who is a recording artist. She asked me if I was still singing and as usual I was embarrassed. I couldn’t think of when the last time was since I opened my mouth to let someone else hear me sing.  Then I got a light bulb, “ding…ding..Ding!”  I started thinking about the last time I sang, which was at Village underground almost a year and a half ago.   My voice has been caged for so long.  Vocally, there is a beast waiting to come out and bless people with sweet melodies.  It is time to “punch my fears in the face as if they were trying to steal my dreams away from me”.   I made a video last night and discovered some videos I had on my computer that I never posted to YouTube.  I have added ACT. Sings to the blog to chronicle my vocal journey.  Check it out and let me know what you think.  I am striving to be a beast in every area of my life.

I will leave you today with this…. Eleanor Roosevelt said “Do something every day that scares you”.    I say “Fear is why we fail, the audacity to be courageous is how we prevail”   Dare to do something that makes you nervous.

Release the Beast!

Be Inspired,


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Commitment to Spiritual Growth - “Seek God First”, “We have to discover religion for ourselves”

As a child, I grew up in the church.  My mother kept my brother and I deeply engaged in church activities.  We attended Sunday school, vacation bible school, sang in the youth choir and we were in every service that was going on each week.  As an adult, I have observed that many of us that grew up “over-churched”, rebel against the church as adults because of things we observed as children. One thing people don’t realize is that just because people go to church, it does not make them perfect.  We are all sinners saved by grace, trying to do the best we can to be more like God.  You cannot think that just because your sunday school teacher used to smokes cigarettes and cursed that all Christians or religious people are hypocrites. You have to discover religion for yourself and establish a personal relationship with God.  When you know God and love him for yourself , you will not allow what you may have witnessed by people in the church to deter you from continuing to seek him.

When I went to college , I was exposed to other religions and denominations.  I remember being amazed that some churches are only in service for an hour!  I grew up in a Pentecostal church.  If you know anything about Pentecostal churches, you will know that Sunday service can be like a marathon “you never know when it will end”.  Another observation was the difference in preaching styles.  I grew up listening to many preachers that “whoop” throughout the whole sermon and everyone was shouting “Amen” after every other word but I never received the message.  While I was in college, I attended services at a church where the pastor had a teaching style of preaching which reminded me of my Pastor at home. He used a softer tone of voice (no whooping), humor, practical application of the scripture and always used thought provoking statements.  I always left feeling full as if I had just eaten the greatest meal of my life and felt spiritually empowered.  In addition, the way the service was orchestrated we were always in and out of church within 2 hours, there was a strong presence of young people and the praise singers were amazing. .  I realized that in my adult life I would need to be around that kind of church to grow spiritually and stay engaged.

After college, life began to consume me and I was not going to church consistently as I was working on Sundays often during busy seasons.  I also became very picky about when I would go to church. I would avoid going on Sundays when I knew it was going to be a 4 hour experience as on first Sunday due to communion.  I would also want to know who was speaking to decide whether I was going or not.  Over time I realized that my spiritual life was stagnant.  I was engaging in activities that was not pleasing to God but in spite of it all he continued to bless me. Like any other relationship, our relationship with God will not grow without commitment and consistency.  We have to be passionate about our spiritual growth.   One of my greatest successes in college, was getting involved in leadership in student organizations. It engaged me , allowing me to use my passions and helped me excel in all aspects of my college career.  Engaging yourself in committees and activities at a church is helpful in finding additional ways of growing spiritually through service.  You can use talents that you use daily in the secular world to glorify God.  I became a part of the Finance Committee for my church’s national organization.  It gave me an opportunity to use my passion for problem solving and accounting to benefit the church.  As a part of this experience, I worked closely with our National Financial Secretary , who is one of the greatest preachers in the world.  I learned so much from him and those who serve under his leadership. I was inspired by their passion for serving God and his people.

I am the point in my spiritual life where I want to dive deeper into the bible and prayer.  God has blessed me to be in a great place today.  As good as he has been to me , I need to do more for him.  As a part of Project Destiny, I am making a more conscientious effort to “Seek God First” in everything that I do.   Here are some of the things, I will be implementing into my life and I encourage you to do the same.

·         Daily Prayer/Meditation  -  At least 2 times a day
·         Bible Reading – Adopt a scripture reading plan or choose a lesson plan from to foster continuous reading and learning of The Bible.
·         Church - Attend Church or Bible study once a week.
·         Tithe/Offering – Commit to tithe or give an offering monthly
·         Fasting – First 21 Days complete the Daniel Fast. Incorporate additional fasts as your spirit is led for further spiritual growth.
·         Refrain from immoral behaviors, including sexual activity, cursing, alcohol, smoking and any habits you wish to eliminate.
·         Music – Incorporate inspirational music into your life.
·         Keep an “ I  Can” Attitude  – Maintain a positive outlook on your life and all circumstances. Eliminate negativity from your vocabulary.
·         Relationships – Foster and maintain healthy relationships with your friends, family and significant other.

In my scripture reading and prayer these past few days some of the things that have resonated with me that I will leave with you are:

·         “Is there anything too hard for God?” Genesis 18:14
·         “It is a Godly Attitude that will promote you! “ – Living Word Library
·         “God Can do anything but Fail”  - Church Hymn

·         “Go Forward” Exodus 14:15

If you are looking for a change in your life, began by connecting with the God that lives in you. 

Be Inspired,


         Finance Team at the 2010 COGIC Holy Convocation in November 2010
( I know I look different!....this is before the weight loss, hair cut and lasik eye surgery)

Monday, September 5, 2011

“Commit to Be Fit” “Commit to be Healthy”

Greetings With Inspiration!

It has been a crazy weekend but I want to catch up on Project Destiny and give you a few inspirational nuggets.

Day 3 - Saturday, September 3rd   “Commit to Be Fit” “Commit to be Healthy”

Have you been saying you want to lose 10-20lbs but have not been able to overcome this hurdle?  Has your doctor told you that your cholesterol is high or you have a condition that will only get better if you lose weight?  Are you already slim and trim but want to take your physical appearance to the next level?   If so ………..LET’s DO THIS!   

I have lost a total of 18lbs gradually over the last 18 months.  How did I do it?  I adopted a healthy diet and began exercising regularly.  If you commit to making a lifestyle change losing weight is easy.  You have to picture the “new and improved YOU” and chase after it.  I encourage you to find an activity that you love to do and have it help you lose weight.   I have always loved to dance.  I discovered Zumba and Zoanee Belly Dancing Aerobics when looking for different ways to workout.  It was like love at first sight!  Every time I go to a class I leave happy, energized, and mostly importantly sweating because they are both excellent ways to workout.

This time around I will be trying a few new things.  Personally, I do not like using the treadmill or elliptical everyday so I like to incorporate classes in my workout routine.  For the 4 months, of Project Destiny in order to accomplish my weight goal I will be doing the following:

·         Kickboxing – Once a week
·         Zumba – Once a week
·         Zoanee (Belly Dancing) – Once a week
·         Kettlebell Workout – Once a week
·         Weight Training – 2 Times a week  , 1 hour post- Zumba/Zoanee
·         Bikram Yoga -  Once a week

If you are looking to lose weight or tone, any of the above would be a great thing for you to incorporate into your workout.  It is hard working out on your own.  Personal trainers can be expensive. Group exercises make it easier to get over your fear of the gym because you have the support of others. If you shy away from group activities, try walking , running , rowing , or using the elliptical for your cardio workouts. You should try to incorporate cardio at least 3 times a week coupled with weight training.   I am by far no expert but this is what worked for me J  LET’s GO!!!!!

Exercise is one part of accomplishing your fitness goals but your diet is crucial!! You can’t eat fried chicken everyday and think because you go to the gym for 3 days you are going to lose weight.  Commit to be Fit!  Commit to be Healthy!   Be conscious about what you are putting in your body.   My Project Destiny plan provides some overall guidelines:

·         Fitness Assessment & Goal Setting – Obtain a fitness assessment and set a physical achievement goal
·         Commit to being healthy  - Eat a healthy and balanced diet
·         Workout Plan – Commit to an hour of physical activity at least 3 times a week, gradually increasing to 5 or more days a week.
·         Incorporate a daily stretching regiment  or Yoga
·         Increase Water Intake – No Alcohol, Soda & Juice  (exceptions: sports drinks,  reduced sugar/100 % juices)
·         Sweets/Junk Food - Eliminate food  high in fat,  sugar or salt (i.e. ice cream, cake, chips)
·         Lower  Carbohydrates – Minimize bread and rice consumption
·         Lean Diet -  Adopt a Fish and Chicken diet ( baked or broiled)
·         Fruits and Vegetables – Eat 4-5 servings a day
·         Multivitamin & Dietary Supplements – Consult your doctor on vitamins and supplements to include in your diet.

Complete the first step by doing a physical assessment:

My Fitness Assessment:

Weight : 149 lbs
Waist : 28.5
Abs: 35
Hips: 40.5
Body Fat %: 28.3
BMI: 26.4

MY GOAL: 140 lbs
Now you may be thinking, why is she trying to lose more weight?  My doctor has always said I should be closer to 140.  I have lost almost 20 lbs already and I am commited to losing another 10lbs.  Project Destiny is about being the best YOU.  No matter what size you may be losing weight is achievable. I mentioned this to someone that wanted to quit smoking cigarettes, “Kick that bad habit , before it kicks you!”  I will revamp it here.  “Kick the weight, before it Kicks you”.  You don’t want to have a doctor tell you , “you have to lose weight”.  Do it because you want be healthy!

We got a little under 4 months before the year is over!!!   Let’s do this!!!!!

Be Inspired,


Project Destiny Day 2

Day 2 September 2, 2011

“Everyone wants Gold but few are willing to mine….are you ready to dig deep and discover the golden you” – ACT.

Day 2 was a prophetic day. I work up tired and feeling week. I was praying on my way to work for strength. I leaned to my gospel music to inspire me and listened to Richard Smallwood’s “Total Praise”. “You are the source of my strength, you are the strength in my life, I lift my hands in total praise to you. “ I am a tax accounting manager and it is one of my busiest times of year. I have been putting in 80+ hours a week and getting very little sleep. I got Lasik surgery 3 weeks ago while I was in India and my eyes were burning from being on the computer for so long. On my way to work, running off about 3.5 hours of sleeping I was asking myself how am I going to make it through another 15 hour day when my eyes felt like they were on fire? I was in constant communication with God throughout the day and he was speaking to me through different people. Several people reached out to me to let me know they were encouraged and inspired by Project Destiny. One of my sorority sisters and mentor reached out to me requesting more information about the Daniel Fast. I forwarded her the information and she said “This could really be what I have been praying for! THANK YOU SOROR!!” At that moment, a surge of excitement and warmness filled my spirit. I was moved that something God put in my heart could be the answer to someone else’s prayers. Later on in the day, I was chatting with a brother from my church about project destiny. He said he felt a move of God when he saw my posting about Project Destiny on Facebook and read the blog. He spoke with a prophetic tongue about the impact Project Destiny will have and suggested I create a male version. I was wowed and immediately energized…..and thought “Look at God!” Everything that he was speaking into my life were things that I have been dreaming about but looking for the right time to take that leap of faith! It is on now! God dropped this in my spirit “Everyone wants Gold but few are willing to mine….are you ready to dig deep and discover the golden you” I answered him “Yes I am “ I am a child of God with great expectations and faith it what God can do. I am ready to dig deep into my bible and deeper into my prayer life to discover what God’s plan is for my life.


I have been encouraging my friends to join us on the Daniel Fast. Several people doubted they would be able to do the fast due to all the restrictions and felt they would need more time to prepare themselves for the 21 days of fasting. Project Destiny is a 4-month plan and I want people to continuous join us on this journey. In order to provide support for people joining each month, I have decided to do the Daniel Fast for the first 21 days of the next for months. So , for those of you following along if you were thinking about doing it but wanted a partner….here I am ! I have been doing very well on the “No sexual activity, cursing, alcohol, smoking or anything else harmful to our temple and hindering us from being a good example”. Celibacy for me is easy since I am not in a serious relationship right now but I know I may lose a few prospects. I am at the point in my life where I value who I am and what I bring to that table. Anyone who truly loves me and deserves me will wait. I have never drank or smoked so, those have been easy to abstain from as well. The cursing however is a bad habit. My job is very stressful and I spend 90% of my time at work around people who are not saved. I did not do a good job of being a good example until NOWJ. I told my closest co-workers about Project Destiny and they have already refrained from cursing around me . It is amazing when you stop doing something how bad it looks to you. I was talking to one of my BFFs today and every other word was a “flagrant foul” as I call curse words. It is not lady like at all! Gospel music has been so uplifting for me these past few days. I have solely been listening to gospel music on Pandora and it keeps my energy high and my mind focused. Listening to Gospel music, I am NOT thinking about being anyone’s “Motivation” like Kelly Rowland , wanting to spend money from all the songs about material things, or cursing reciting secular Lyrics. I love Hot 97 but it is not helping my soul.


I am excited about getting back in my workout groove on Saturday. I have been out of the gym for almost 2 months due to traveling and my injury. I plan to get measurements taken and put together weekly routines for my workout. Doing the Daniel Fast, I am eating very healthy which is essential to any weight loss program but please remember the Daniel Fast is to spiritually connect with God and not to be used to lose weight. I went grocery shopping yesterday so that I would have food at home. I was so surprised at how many things have sugar in them. It took me 10 minutes to find salad dressing with no sugar in it. Make sure you read the labels to rightfully deny yourself of any pleasant food like Daniel. My goal is to lose 10 lbs more by the end of the project. I am aiming to look like Serena Williams in a bikini when this is all over! I will be hitting them gym like it stole something from me :-)


I am sooooo focused. I was starting to lose focus over the past 2 years. Although my career is going well, I was beginning to lose sight of what is important to ACT and instead trying to save the world doing so many different things. Everything is starting to be so clear. I have several things I would like to venture into in 2012 and these last 4 months of the year will be critical to my success next year. I am ready to spread my wings and fly , using every talent God has given me for his glory. I am keeping a journal that I will be writing in everyday to track my thoughts, ideas and plans.


I need to save money! I will be cutting every corner I can to eliminate my revolving debt in 2012. I am setting up a budget tool to track my spending so that I can determine additional ways to save money. I am still trying to determine what my gift to myself will be at the end of the four months. I am torn between a vacation, shoes , or a bag. If I do not maintain my savings goal, I will not be getting anything!  I will be frugal from here on out!

SCRIPTURE READING - My scripture readings today came from the book of Judges and I Kings about Jezebel and Delilah. Both of these women used power , influence and greed for personal advancement by having a man killed. What have I learned from these stories? We need to be weary of women that possess these spirits. I want to be regarded as someone with high moral and ethical standards. I want to use my influence for the greater good.

Week 1 Focus: Surrendering all to God ….“ Take all that I am ….and all that I can be ..transform… renew… restore ..create a better me “ – Mary Mary “Seattle

I am ready for the transformation!

With Enthusiasm


Project Destiny - Day 1 "Commit to Change"

Background - On September 1, 2011, I embarked on the greatest journey of my life , Project Destiny.   I want to be the greatest me possible and inspire others to do this same.  I have devised a plan to help myself and others reach their maximum potential.  Through fasting,dieting, prayer, reading, exercise, goal setting,  and devising a financial plan, it is my prayer that we will accomplish our destiny. Join me on this journey as I will be blogging throughout the project to journalize my evolution.


" If you want must see it..and just be it" - ACT.

Week 1 Focus: Surrendering all to God ….“ Take all that I am ….and all that I can be ..transform… renew… restore ..create a better me “ – Mary Mary “Seattle”

It’s 3AM and I am hoping to leave work soon. Where do I begin? God has been awesome to me . 2011 has been an awesome year..I have a thriving career with a recent promotion, lost about 15 lbs, embraced a new look by cutting my hair, and just got back from spending a month in India. I asked myself why does God continue to bless me. Many times I don’t feel like I deserve it. In certain areas of my life, I have watched many things fall into place with little effort on my part. And I ask God “Why me ?? I have fallen short in my spiritual life but yet you continue to bless me.....what is your will for my life? “ God has given me the ability to sing, dance, write , model, speak, and inspire people but I spend 80% of my life in a cubicle where no one sees these gifts. I have wondered if I will ever get my wings to truly show the world who ACT is. I have a passion for youth and big non-profit aspirations. I have been searching for understanding of myself and what my true destiny is. It is time for me to make some big moves and I am seeking God to order my steps. And this is how I  arrived at PROJECT DESTINY! My goal this year has been to “Release The Beast”. We all have greatness within us that wants to be released to bless others. I want to be a better woman…a better Christian....a better friend…a better ME!

I am 28 years old and SINGLE…..and happy about it! Don’t get me wrong, it would be nice to have a beautiful husband and dual income to pay my mortgage but I want my husband to be the “right one” forever…not just for a season. I have had some amazing relationships. A time or two when I thought “This might be the one” and God showed me who was in control. My friends always pick on me about always being in a relationship so I took some time out this year to just date and be “by myself”. I learned a lot about myself and most importantly what I would want in a life partner. But I want God to show me the way. Project Destiny will show me what God has for me.

Day 1 was a good day ….I started the Daniel Fast and my first reading on I have decided to start with the 21 Day Plan for Busy Women : A Rich & Satisfying Life since it resonated with me as busy professional woman. In the passage , it goes to the book of Luke when the angel Gabriel tells Mary that she will bring forth Jesus , The Son of God and Elisabeth who was said to be barren conceived a child in her old age. Luke 1: 37 “For with God Nothing Shall be Impossible” Mary didn’t understand why God chose her but she surrendered saying “Be it unto me according to thy word” (Luke 1:38 ) “For he that is mighty hath done to me great things and holy is his name” ( Luke 1: 49). I am praying for a spirit like Mary to embrace all that God has in store and totally submit to him.

The closing passage from the lesson resonated with me. It reads:

Can we imagine together the explosive kingdom expansion that could occur if we as women understood our roles, surrendered our resources to God's ownership as faithful stewards and responded to God's love as generous givers? We would be released to live our life for His purposes and His glory. In other words, we would experience a "rich and satisfying life": spiritually invigorated, financial free and generously living.I'm ready to find that life, aren't you?

And I answer…..YES I AM!!!

Now how did I do today…


· Daniel Fast – Lots of Water, Fruit for Breakfast, Chipotle Veggie Salad for Lunch , Peanuts to snack , whole wheat pasta tossed with oil and garlic for dinner
· Didn’t Curse anybody out today! Just kidding ! Its busy season so it is easy to give a tongue lashing
· Prayer – I fell short on this today. I will pray before I go to bed and I will aim to pray twice a day.
· Bible Reading – Luke 1:26-55


· Workout – I am currently nursing a sprained ankle. Ironic, Dani (my Project Destiny Partner) and I both are injured. But I will be incorporating light workouts starting Saturday.
· Diet – Daniel Fast until September 21st


· Staggering Goal – I determined that my staggering goal will  be to finish up my CPA exam. I thought about my strategy to complete this today.

· Daily Challenge - Pushed myself to get to work early today. I want to become a morning person to increase my productivity.


· Saving – My new salary and bonus is effective tomorrow and although a new handbag would be nice. I will not be doing any personal spending.  I will be frugal for the rest of the year.

Overall , at the end of Day 1 , I am excited, optimistic and truly FOCUSED. I am ready to make several major CHANGES! I am already seeing the new &improved me and she is FLY in all aspects of her life J

Be Inspired,